Essay on Intergovernmental Issues and Budgets

Intergovernmental Issues and Budgets

Tosh |

March 15, 2018


Intergovernmental relations is a system in which multiple government agencies in a common geographical area share power with each other. This system gives substantial power to different levels of government. The result may create conflicts and issues among multiple government agencies, and strong leaders must consider how to manage these conflicts effectively. At times, intergovernmental relations can develop stronger management among multiple government agencies. Consider the following question: Do intergovernmental relations force more collaborative governance in leadership?

One intergovernmental issue to consider is budget cuts. Budgetary constraints and cuts impact not only government agencies but communities as well. For example, if federal funding is cut from educational programs enacted by federal policies and programs, it can force the consolidation of programs and leadership roles. It may also impact communities, forcing public administrators to deal with the community backlash.

For this Application Assignment, review the virtual community and consider how intergovernmental issues such as budget cuts impact leaders and communities.

To prepare for this assignment:

Review the article, “A Mixed Method Look at State Growth Management Policy.” Consider the implications of expanding leadership.
Review the article, “Financing Infrastructure in the 21st Century City.” Think about how budgetary issues impact      government agencies and communities.
Review the article, “Adapting Intergovernmental  Management to the New Age of Terrorism.” Pay particular attention to  the effectiveness of intergovernmental governance in management.
Review the article, “Thinking Harder About Outcomes for Collaborative Governance Arrangements.” Reflect on the      impact of intergovernmental management.
Review the video presentation of this week’s news broadcast in the virtual community and the reactions from other parties around town.
Consider how the budget cuts may affect your role as head of a public agency and how you might address the budget cuts or changes in your role.
Consider how intergovernmental issues apply to multiple roles in the community.

The assignment (2 pages) Due by Sunday 3-25-18

Review the virtual community from the perspective of your role of the head of a public agency.

Describe two ways in which the proposed budget cut might impact intergovernmental leadership and explain how.
Explain from the perspective of your selected role as the head of a public agency  whether or not you support the proposed budget cut and justify your response.
Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

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