Essay on Deliverable 6 – Connect the Dots

Deliverable 6 – Connect the Dots

Tosh |

March 14, 2018


Identify how art contributes to happiness, reduction of stress, and increased morale in the workplace while synthesizing these elements within personal and professional life.


Images, colors, shapes, and texts produce various effects on people every day. As part of your yearly review, your employer has asked you to draft a reflection on your real life experience in your environment. You can use visual storytelling means as well.

In your review describe in detail the stimuli you encounter on a daily basis. You can use visual media.
Identify how these stimuli contribute to happiness, reduction of stress and motivation in your everyday life.
From these examples, describe how you would change the stimuli.
What changes could make in your own life or work to change the effects of your environment on you?


Grading Rubric

FFCBA01234No PassNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedStudent provides a list of stimuli, but with no description.Student provides a list of stimuli and makes basic observations with little detail.Student provides a list of stimuli and makes detailed observations with excellent descriptive language.Student provides a list of stimuli and makes detailed observations with excellent descriptive language in addition to visual examples.Not SubmittedStudent provides a list of stimuli that connect to art elements, but with no analysis, or description.Student provides a list of how stimuli, make basic connections to the impact of happiness, stress and motivation.Student provides a descriptive account on how stimuli make connections to happiness, stress and motivation.Student provides a detailed list of how stimuli make complex connections to happiness, stress and motivation with fully developed communication of ideas including visuals.Not SubmittedStudent provides a list of how to change stimuli, but with no analysis, or description.Student provides a list of how to change stimuli, and makes basic connection to the impact of happiness, stress and motivation.Student provides a list of how to change stimuli and makes detailed connections to happiness, stress and motivation.Student provides a detailed list of how to change stimuli and makes complex connections to happiness, stress and motivation with fully developed communication of ideas.Not SubmittedStudent provides list of changes in their own life without elaboration.Student provides changes in life with detail, but no analysis.Student provides in depth detail and analysis to life changes, but lacks any visual communication.Student provides visual communication in addition to excellent detailed descriptions and analysis of individual lifestyle changes. 

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