Essay on communication climate ppt and writing

communication climate ppt and writing

Tosh |

March 8, 2018

Select one of the following situations to observe, and make detailed notes about the observation:

Observe a small group or team–such as an office team, sports team, work environment, church group, family gathering, hobby group, or support group–and take copious notes regarding the interactions and communication dynamics you observe. The observation should be 30 minutes in length.
Watch a television show–such as a sitcom or any reality show–that depicts small groups, families, or teams. Take notes regarding the interactions and communication dynamics depicted in the television show.

Prepare, submit, and present a 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation, in which you assess the interactions and dynamics within the communication climate you observed. (100 words speaker notes for each slide)

Describe the following concepts:

Supportive and defensive communication climates
Confirming and disconfirming responses
Active listening
Nonverbal dynamics

In addition to your assessment, answer the following questions (2 pages):

What types of verbal and nonverbal dynamics were there? Explain.
What behavior indicated a supportive or defensive communication climate? Why?
What types of confirming or disconfirming responses did you witness? How did they contribute to the cohesiveness of the group?
What types of barriers or indicators to effective listening occurred? Why were they a barrier or indicator?

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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