Essay on American History

American History

Tosh |

March 8, 2018

Read Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the textbook, and watch the video, The House We Live In (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Reflect: The post-war era of the United States is often looked back on as a “Golden Era” yet this was also a period of tension, both at home and abroad. Consider the major events of the Cold War, consider the impact of the Cold War on the world, particularly in places like Germany, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Chile, and Afghanistan.

Also consider  the impact that the Cold War had at home, particularly on American culture and society. Reflect deeper on the state of American society in this time period; on the social, economic, and technological gains, but also on the inequalities that existed, particularly those discussed in The House We Live In (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Think about how this period, which was a golden era for some, created the need for movements such as the Civil Rights Movement, the American Indian Movement, the Women’s Movement, and movements for immigrants’ rights such as the National Farm Workers Association and Chicano Movement.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Your post should make reference to the required materials with in-text citations. Your references and citations must be formatted according to APA style as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center. You may use additional scholarly sources to support your points if you choose.

Discussion TWO

his discussion forum is an opportunity for you to explore topics that interest you, share critical insights and questions that you are working with, share your struggles and triumphs, and discuss difficulties that may have arisen this week, hopefully finding solutions. Your initial post should describe your experiences in the course this past week, prompting further discussion. You should address at least two of the following questions:

What struck you in particular as you explored the course materials this week?
What insights have you had?
What have you been struggling with?
What questions have come up for you at this point?
Do you have any helpful tips that you’ve picked up in this course or in a past course?
Do you have questions about the assignment that your classmates might be able to help with? (If you have a question for the instructor, be sure to contact your instructor through email or in the Ask Your Instructor Forum).

You are required to post at least 100 total words in this forum this week. 

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