Essay Academic Essay

– research the topic in detail and prepare a response to the questions with reference to the current scientific literature.
– References should be the Vancouver style-

Q1. Dr Istivan discussed this study in the lecture:
Why is the report of detection of the first SGI1 isolate in this study of particular concern?

Reference Q1
Van, T.T.H

12 Haiku (The Wedding Chapbook)

. et al., 2007. Detection of Salmonella spp. in Retail Raw Food Samples

Q2. Discuss the effects of H. pylori CagA on host epithelial cells , and their implications for the pathogenesis of the disease

Reference Q2:
Backert, S. & Clyne, M., 2011. Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter, 16 Suppl 1, pp.19–25.
Kao, C.-Y., Sheu, B.-S

Lames de fond

. & Wu, J.-J

Seize the Day (SparkNotes Literature Guide Series)

., 2016. Helicobacter pylori infection: An overview of bacterial virulence factors and pathogenesis. Biomedical journal, 39(1), pp.14–23.

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