Drug wars in America Dissertation Essay Help


1. Based on the U.S. led policy of combating drug trafficking in Bolivia explain the impact of drug eradication policy in this country, what law was passed to support eradication efforts, and what
was the response from Coca growers?
2. Explain the limitation of combating drug production and trafficking in Colombia. How successful were the efforts to convince peasants to engage in crop substitution, and what are some of the
challenges of the Colombian government with interdiction?
3. Mexico has become the primary route for the transportation of drugs coming from South America. Explain the three factors that have made Mexico a central player in the drug trafficking business
since the 1990s?
4. What has led to the rise in crime and violence in the countries of the Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala), how have the legacies of the Civil Wars in Guatemala and El
Salvador contribute to this violence, and what has been the impact of the deportation of gang members from the United States to El Salvador?

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