Documentation Academic Essay

Charlie and Suzanne completed their research of security controls on various Internet applications. Suzanne identified some successful security controls and some that are poorly designed. This unit, you have been sent on a totally new mission—documentation. When you get back to your cubicles, Charlie says, “Documentation! Could there be anything more boring than that? To go from exploring websites to this!” Suzanne is thoughtful. “It could actually be interesting,” she says. “We just might learn something useful by looking at some existing examples such as cell phone interfaces.” All Charlie can say is, “Oh, no!” Help Suzanne by thinking about the documentation or help system for a software application or a device such as a cell phone that you have used recently. 1. Identify a software application or a device you have used recently. Describe the features in the documentation or help system that are the most useful. Which feature is most annoying? How can you change or remove the annoying feature? 2. Compare the documentation that you described previously to the categories presented in Chapter 13 (file uploaded). Discuss how the documentation provided with the software application or device can be improved, and discuss 1 possible changes to the documentation. Note: Do not write introduction & conclusion. Answer in your own words. You can research on the Internet or books/journals & you can add additional references.

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