dissertation- conclusion – domestic violence Dissertation Essay Help

dissertation- conclusion – domestic violence

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Research question: critciually discuss why most men are abusive towards women in the context of domestic violence.
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Restate your aims: revisit the aim of the dissertation (your research question) and then summarize the research objectives. This will familiarize the reader with your aims.
Summarize (but don’t regurgitate) your research findings: Provide an answer to the research question. This is a condensed version of the core argument. In other words, outline your key findings. What does the evidence demonstrate? What are your research findings? Sign-post back to relevant chapters as part of this process. Highlight key pieces of literature. Refer to significant authors mentioned in the core debate. Avoid regurgitating whole paragraphs or sections. Select key findings and highlight the key theories.
What is the significance of your findings? How does the dissertation contribute to the wider debate? Write in the third person. Think of your dissertation being like a ‘brick’ that is being added to wall of research. What does your research add to the wider debate? Does it apply only to the British context or is their scope for it being applied in other contexts? What are the strengths of the study? What are the limitations? Do not write negatively about your own research skills. Make the limitations about the topic. Do not lament about the lack of time or lack of books. Focus on the lack of research in the field (these are not your failures). What were you not able to discuss and why?
Look Forward
Recommendations for future research: What gaps have you identified in the research field? Did your research highlight any gaps (for example if you found limited material on an issue)? Can you suggest any future projects that other researchers might explore relating to the topic? What about gender or race or age factors? Are there any policy implications ‘springing from’ your research – for government or the criminal justice system? Aim for 1,500 words.

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