Dissertation Abstract Academic Essay

Dissertation Abstract
Order Description
Dear I ned to write the dissertation abstract it must included the the following information: BACKGROUND:
¬ General over view and Objective: The research question including components such as participants, interventions, comparators, and outcomes.

¬ Eligibility criteria: (Study and report characteristics used as criteria for inclusion)
¬ Information sources: (Key databases searched and search dates)
¬ Risk of bias: (Methods of assessing risk of bias


¬ Included studies: (Number and type of included studies and participants and relevant characteristics of studies)
¬ Synthesis of results: (Results for main outcomes indicating the number of studies and participants for each)
¬ Description of the effect: (Direction of the effect (i.e. which group is favored) and size of the effect in terms meaningful to student

¬ General conclusion and Strengths and Limitations of evidence: (Brief summary of strengths and limitations of evidence (e.g. inconsistency, imprecision, indirectness,
or risk of bias,

¬ Interpretation: (General interpretation of the results and important implications).

Key Terms:

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