Disease Model and Durkheim’s Statement discussion questions
Discussion Question 1:
Defend or criticize the Disease Model of Addiction and the types of treatment based on this model. Justify your response.
Discussion Question 2:
Using your own words, what importance do you find in Durkheim’s statement “All preconceptions must be eradicated” (p.327)?
Disease Model Of Addiction and Durkheim’s Statement
The Disease Model of addiction indicates that addiction is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s structure and normal functioning. Individuals with this disease exhibit a compulsion to engage in addictive activities or substances, which they cannot control. Despite being aware of the dangers, they are driven by an overwhelming force to continue their substance use (Hall et al., 2015).
Treating addiction based on the disease model involves maintaining complete abstinence from all addictive substances. By abstaining from these substances, the disease is kept in check and remains inactive. However, achieving abstinence is not always easy, which is why the disease model emphasizes the importance of peer group support. Peer groups, such as alcoholic anonymous, provide a supportive environment where individuals with common addictions can share their experiences of addiction and recovery. This support serves as inspiration for others going through similar struggles (Hall et al., 2015).
Durkheim’s statement, “All preconceptions must be eradicated,” signifies the need to study and explain all aspects of society based on facts rather than assumptions. This statement emphasizes the importance of understanding the origins of societal phenomena, such as religion, through empirical investigation. Different societies interpret religion differently, and there are no universally accepted facts about its nature and characteristics. Additionally, studying social facts can lead to a shift in societal perspectives and ways of thinking. When there is evidence to support a particular aspect, it becomes easier for members of society to comprehend and accept it.
Hall, W., Carter, A., & Forlini, C. (2015). The brain disease model of addiction: is it supported
by the evidence and has it delivered on its promises?. The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(1), 105-