Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory income management and critically evaluate its effectiveness. Academic Essay

With reference to the recommended readings, Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory income management and critically evaluate its effectiveness.

Recommended Readings:
• Australian Broadcasting Commission, ‘Compulsory Income Management: A Policy Solution Looking for a Problem?’, Religion and Ethics, 18 May 2015 (Philip Mendes). <https://www.abc.net.au/religion/articles/2015/05/18/4237599.htm>
• Bielefeld, Shelley, ‘Compulsory Income Management and Indigenous Peoples – Exploring Counter Narratives amidst Colonial Constructions of ‘Vulnerability’ (2014) 36 Sydney Law Review 695.
• Tudge, Allan MP, ‘Place-based income management evaluation showing strong results’ (Media Release, 25 November 2015). <https://www.formerministers.dss.gov.au/17067/place-based-income-management-evaluation-showing-strong-results/>

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