Developing an Enterprising Mindset (4GN501)

Assessed Learning Outcomes

Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate the development of personal and professional skills


You are required to analyse your enterprising mindset using your results from the General Measure of Enterprising Tendency test (GET2 test) developed by Dr. Sally Caird, accessed using this link:

Your analysis should include an evaluation of each element of your GET2 results. Using these results, you are required to comment on how you intend to develop three elements of your enterprising mindset using either your studies, voluntary work, paid work, or involvement in extracurricular activities. You are expected to specifically cite activities such as workshops, webinars, organizations, independent reading that you intend to engage with in order to continue to develop your enterprising mindset.

All answers must be:

Between 1000 – 1200 words long.

This is a pass/fail summative assessment.

Reflection is highly personal and should therefore be written in the first person. There is no right or wrong way to reflect; you will not be marked specifically on your opinions or reflections but rather on the depth of reflection given. Your focus should be on what you have learnt or gained from the experience rather than a description of what you did.  Your development activities must be clearly stated. 

You are required to show engagement with appropriate academic literature, and this requires citations (references to relevant literature) within the answer itself and a full reference list at the end of your work. Work will not be awarded a pass grade at this level of study without a clear demonstration of this skill. See Lecture 1 for a list of suitable resources. You may use other academic sources.

Note: there is NO need to complete a separate Personal Development Plan for this assessment, but you MUST comment on how you intend to continue to develop your enterprising mindset as this is a crucial element of the reflection process.

Assessment Rubric

The assessment rubric on the following pages shows the complete criteria of each coursework element and how you will be assessed.   When the assessment is returned you will receive a digital version of the rubric showing how you performed against each criterion. There will be an opportunity to discuss these with your marking tutor.

 OutstandingExcellentVery goodGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactory
Communication   Evidence that the student has:   Put their ideas across clearly on paper   (10)Outstanding, sophisticated written communicationNo significant areas for further developmentLogical organisation and flow of ideasError free written communicationPrecise Harvard ReferencingAn enjoyable readLargely well-structured answerOnly minor spelling/grammatical errors Good grasp of Harvard Referencing Mainly easy to read and followSome spelling/grammatical errors but do not significantly interfere with understandingSome attempt to Harvard ReferenceDifficult to read and follow in placesRepeated spelling/grammatical issuesWeak Referencing skillsDifficult to read and followThe submission contains some references.Very difficult to read and followExtensive problems with written presentationNo or incorrect Referencing
Critical reflection   Evidence that the student has:   Reflected on significant events and related them to the development of their enterprising skills (40)Significant events are described and critically reflected on in a deep and significant way by relating the reflections to developing enterprising skills. Consideration and evaluation of the reasons behind the event and exploration of alternatives (e.g. I did not do x very well). This was probably because of y but may have also been due to z). In subsequent entry(ies) reactions and any improvements made or the reasons why no improvements were made are noted.Significant events are described and critically reflected on in a deep and significant way by relating the reflections to developing enterprising skills. Consideration and evaluation of the reasons behind the event and exploration of alternatives (e.g. I did not do x very well). This was probably because of y but may have also been due to z). In some subsequent entry(ies) reactions and any improvements made or the reasons why no improvements were made are noted.Significant events are described and critically reflected on in a significant way by relating the reflections to developing enterprising skills.  The student reports on reasons behind the event (e.g. ‘I did not do x very well, because of y’), but does not mull over and explore alternatives to a deep and significant extent.  A limited number of significant events are described and reflected upon by reporting reasons behind the event (e.g. ‘I did x because of y’). Reflections are related to the development enterprising skills. There is limited evidence of reflection using critical analysis on performance during the significant event and no consideration of exploring of alternatives.Significant events are described but there is no attempt to provide reasons. Reflections are related to the development enterprising skills. Some critical analysis is employed to examine the situations described but is mostly at the descriptive level.  There is little attempt to relate events during the learning experiences and few attempts to critically analyse these situations. There is no or limited reference to enterprising skills.No or limited examination of the reasons why learning experiences did not work out well.
Use of documentary evidence   Evidence that the student has:   Included suitable supporting documents, blogs, postings   (10)Outstanding links between personal reflections and relevant evidence.An outstanding range of supporting evidence is cited, for example: from documents, specific situations in the classroom, or other learning events/experiences that have a positive or negative impact on the student’s development of their enterprising skills.Excellent links between personal reflections and relevant evidence.An excellent range of supporting evidence, for example: from documents, specific situations in the classroom, or other learning events/experiences that have a positive or negative impact on the student’s development of their enterprising skills.Very clear links between personal reflections and the relevant evidence.A very good range of supporting evidence, for example: from documents, specific situations in the classroom, or other learning events/experiences that have a positive or negative impact on the student’s development of their enterprising skills.Sound links between personal reflections and the relevant evidence.A good range of supporting evidence, for example: from documents, specific situations in the classroom, or other learning events/experiences that have either a positive or negative impact on the student’s development of their enterprising skills.Some evidence of attempts to make links between personal reflections. Some supporting evidence loosely linked to the student’s development of their enterprising skills.No evidence of inks between personal reflections. No meaningful use of evidence linking development to enterprising skills.
Identifying learning issues and goals   Evidence that the student has:   Linked  development plans to reflections   (40)Identifies realistic and appropriate development opportunities linked to critical reflections and fully explores and explains how s/he plans on continuing to develop enterprising skills, as well as any obstacles that are needed to be overcome.Identifies realistic and appropriate development opportunities linked to critical reflections and explains plans for continuing to develop enterprising skills, as well as any obstacles that are needed to be overcome.Identifies realistic and appropriate development opportunities and explains plans for continuing to develop enterprising skills. Some obstacles to improving learning outcomes are included.Identifies development opportunities appropriate to critical reflection with some realistic goals.Identifies development opportunities appropriate to critical reflection but development plans are not realistic or complete in their presentation. Development opportunities are unrealistic or not linked to critical reflection.
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