What were the religious views of the founders, who are discussed at length in our reading? If religion played a central role in the history of the colonies prior to the revolution, why was the US Constitution a “secular” document?
It also discusses what the “Founding Fathers” had in mind when the religion clauses of the First Amendment were amended to the United States Constitution. What were their thoughts? What documents re the separation of church and state preceded the First Amendment?
The documentary discusses the role Thomas Jefferson played in the First Amendment. What was it? What was his thinking about “church and state”? Moreover, the documentary discusses the role “religious minorities” play in the First Amendment’s religion clauses. Are they protected or not? Why?
The documentary also takes us into the 19th Century when religious pluralism in the United States really took off. Not only were Catholics and Jews coming to the United States in vast numbers, but they also brought their religious beliefs and traditions with them, which challenged the Protestant hegemony of the United States. What issues were raised by their presence?
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