Cultural Issues in Management Academic Essay

Create an electronic training resource which could be used by the training team of Tesco organisation (1000 words or equivalent). This resource should be a re-usable artefact aimed at providing employees with the essentials (need to know) of a number of significant cultural theories in order to improve their management of inter-cultural challenges within their own organisation.

entify a real or fictional multinational enterprise and produce a training artefact which would be appropriate for that company.

– Your training artefact should draw on your lecture materials and extended reading and include useful training material on these topics.
– The first page will contain a general overview of cultural issues in management and emphasise the importance of training employees in these areas.

– The main pages should deal with specific areas of cultural issues in management and refer to appropriate academic sources for further information.

– On the final page you should summarise the important lessons from your main topics and include recommendations to employees so that they can avoid or resolve any cultural problems they might encounter.

You may utilise any tables/charts or diagrams to enhance your artefact, but their relevance as supportive training materials needs to be made clear. Any relevant references should be included at the end of the document, although you may wish to provide hyperlinks to relevant online materials within your artefact.

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