Context Systems analysts Academic Essay

Logical vs. Physical Models Context Systems analysts use system requirements to develop a logical model of the proposed system and to document the system requirements. A logical model shows what the system must do, regardless of how it will be implemented physically, and without committing to a technology. During the systems design phase, systems analysts create a physical model, which describes how the system will be constructed. Task Description Answer the following question: What is the relationship between a logical and a physical model? Include the following in your paper: Discuss process modeling and describe why modeling is an important factor in systems analysis and design. Provide a definition of a logical model. Explain the use of a logical model. Provide a definition of a physical model. Explain the use of a physical model. List and discuss two approaches used for the development of logical and physical models. Provide an analysis regarding the usefulness of logical and physical models in systems analysis and design. Answer the following questions in your analysis: Is it necessary to model the logical and physical aspects of the current and the new system?

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