Contemporary Health Issues-Conflicting Nutritional Claims Academic Essay

There are many “nutritional experts” in the world who all seem to say something different. Below are links to an article and a website that seem to take differing approaches/positions. For the average consumer, this can be very confusing, difficult to follow, and discouraging when trying to make healthy food decisions.

Too much protein is as bad as smoking:

Paleo Diet:

1. What are the main differences between these two approaches/positions?

2. Are there any similarities between the two approaches/positions?

3. How do you (an informed consumer) judge the credibility of the claims? How do you think an informed consumer can make a wise decision?

4. What implications do you think this has for the health and well-being of our society.

5. Personal reflection. (What can and should be done? What has your experience been? etc.)

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