Consumer behaviour custom essay.

 Research shows that changing the cognitive component in the tri component attitude model – cognitive, affective and conative – can change the attitude to a product or service. This approach is widely used in health campaigns and campaigns that seek to alter anti-social behaviours, for example, binge drinking.

The four strategies used to alter the cognitive component are:
(i) Changing beliefs
(ii) Changing the relative importance of those beliefs
(iii) Adding new beliefs
(iv) Changing beliefs about the attributes of the ideal brand
Using the example of an anti binge drinking campaign targeted at young women aged 18-25, discuss which of the four strategies would work best to change behaviour. Note you can discuss more than one strategy.


Can social class be generalised? Research what some authors have commented in regards to this statement and discuss if it is applicable to Australia. Cite two (2) examples where an organisation has either successfully utilised social class to target its consumers OR where they have used a general approach. (Note: It can be two (2) examples successfully using social class, two (2) examples using the general approach or one (1) of each).


Research shows that changing the cognitive component in the tri component attitude model – cognitive, affective and conative – can change the attitude to a product or service. This approach is widely used in health campaigns and campaigns that seek to alter anti-social behaviours, for example, binge drinking.
The four strategies used to alter the cognitive component are:
(i) Changing beliefs
(ii) Changing the relative importance of those beliefs
(iii) Adding new beliefs
(iv) Changing beliefs about the attributes of the ideal brand
Using the example of an anti binge drinking campaign targeted at young women aged 18-25, discuss which of the four strategies would work best to change behaviour. Note you can discuss more than one strategy.


Associative reference groups are playing a larger role in consumer decision making. Using the basic Decision Process Framework – Problem Recognition, Information Search and Evaluation, Purchasing Process and Post Purchase Behaviour – and your knowledge of associative reference groups, discuss which associative reference group would influence the decision to purchase products from the ALDI chain of supermarkets. In your answer explore the company’s advertising strategies in terms of encouraging consumers to switch from the major two supermarket chains, Woolworths and Coles.

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