Conflict Resolution
Order Description
Choose a specific conflict as a case study for your report.
Within your report, you should:
• include an outline of the origins of the chosen conflict
• identify the key actors in that conflict
• discuss the sources of conflict.
Keep in mind that conflicts are always essentially contested, so there will be a number of different viewpoints about key actors and courses of conflict to assess. The conflict may have also
shifted in terms of dynamics or direction over time, so you should note how the conflict has changed. The basis of this report then provides the empirical research to critically assess conflict
resolution approaches and/or themes, which is the focus of the research essay
Conflict resolution solves interpersonal conflict in three ways, through lose-lose strategy, win-lose strategy or win-win strategy. How this operates is shown in the table below: Conflict type Possible solutions Results Lose-lose Avoidance of conflict. Smoothing – recognizing both sides of conflict. Compromise – each party gives up something of value. Conflict may appear to been solved, disagreements are smoothed over; future conflict over the same issue will arise again. Win-lose Competition – conflict resolved through forces by someone with superior skill. Authoritative command – someone with authority specifies the outcome. Only one person has gained anything and the problem is not resolved; future conflict over the same issue may arise again or lead to related conflict. Win-win Confrontation of the issues. Problem solving to resolve the conflict issues on both sides. Conflict has been resolved on both sides; each person or side has won something and the conflict is unlikely to arise again