Computer applications refer to software programs that are designed to perform specific tasks on a computer. These applications are used to help people perform various tasks such as creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations, managing databases, communicating with others through email or instant messaging, browsing the internet, playing games, and more. Computer applications can be general-purpose, such as word processing or spreadsheet software, or they can be specific to a particular industry or field, such as software for accounting or engineering.
Assignment # 3
Q1. The precedence relations and the crew size required to complete a project are given in the Table below.
- Construct an AON network diagram using CPM and identify the critical path.
- Calculate and chart the labor profile required to complete the project for both an early-start and a late-start schedule.
- Level the required labor profile as much as possible with the goal of completing the project within the time period specified in part (a).
- Assume that 10 people are assigned to work on the project until it is finished (we have limited resources). Considering this assumption, schedule the project and calculate the labor profile. Activities cannot be interrupted; however, they can be delayed if the resources are not available. What would be the finish date of the project under the imposed resource limitations?
Activity | Immediate | Time | Crew Size |
Predecessor | (Weeks) | ||
A | – | 4 | 4 |
B | A | 2 | 5 |
C | A | 6 | 3 |
D | B | 3 | 7 |
E | C | 10 | 6 |
F | – | 2 | 5 |
G | D | 5 | 6 |
H | F | 7 | 2 |
I | D,E,G | 1 | 8 |
J | H | 10 | 2 |
Q2. Calculate, for the following project data, the
- Normal Duration
- Crash Duration (minimum/least project duration)
- Normal and Least Cost
Overhead or indirect costs are $100 per day.
Q3. Calculate, for the following project data, the
- Normal Duration
- Crash Duration (minimum/least project duration)
- Normal and Least Cost
Overhead or indirect costs are $120 per day.
- Questions may have several parts. Please ensure to attempt all parts.
- There is no limit on the number of pages. Please be as concise as possible. Quality is preferred over quantity in your expressions.
- Copied assignments will be graded ‘F’.
- Assignments should be neatly executed with use of at least two colors (e.g., headings, tables, and figure titles in black with the rest of the content in blue).
- Assignments should contain a title page clearly stating the name of the student and his ID.
- Assignments should be legible (good writing) and understandable (good English). Failing to meet any one of the criteria will result in a negative grade.
- References for data obtained from other sources should be clearly indicated at the end.