Economic indicators in Asia assignment questions
Please write your answers in a MS Word document and submit it in the appropriate folder in D2L (Assessment—Assignment—Final exam) by the due date and time. Line space (1.5); Font size (no less than 11); 1 inch for left margin.
A student’s responses will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Reference to the provided statistics in support of the argument.
2. Reference to the class content in support of the argument.
3. Reference to other research outside the textbook (please remember to cite the sources and show the full references at the end of the report).
4. Student’s own critical thoughts about the question.
5. Student answers to all questions satisfactorily.
Question 1 (45 points)
The economies of China and South Korea emerged from two different political systems. However, the two countries development policies and trajectories may present similarities.
1. Compare and contrast the two countries’ economic development policies by showing the similarities and differences (hint: like we did in class for Hong Kong and Singapore). (25 points)
2. Select two economic indicators to compare and contrast the development of the two countries, using data from the World Bank and/or other trusted official data sources (e.g., UN, country’s statistical offices, etc.). At least two graphs/charts are required. Make sure to explain the trends. At least 2 resources outside the textbook are required, and at least 1 must be peer-reviewed. (15 points)
3. APA format for citation and references (5 points)
Max: 2 pages
Question 2 (20 points)
1. Select two economic indicators to compare and contrast the development of Hong Kong and Singapore, using data from the World Bank and/or other trusted official data sources (e.g., UN, country’s statistical offices, etc.). At least two graphs/charts are required. Make sure to explain the trends. At least 1 peer-reviewed resource, outside the textbook is required. (18 points)
2. APA format for citation and references (2 points)
Max: 1 page
Question 3 (25 points)
The ASEAN countries of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines were hard hit by the Asian currency crisis.
1. Explain the origin of this crisis and the impact it had on the four countries (you need to go beyond the class notes). At least two resources outside the textbook (and one being peer-reviewed) are required. (10 points)
2. Select one economic indicator to stress the impact of the crisis on the four countries, using data from the World Bank and/or other trusted official data sources (e.g., UN, country’s statistical offices, etc.). At least one graph/chart is required. Make sure to explain the trends. At least 1 resource outside the textbook is required (need NOT to be peer-reviewed). (12 points)
3. APA format for citation and references (3 points)
Max: 1.5 pages.