Clinical audit Dissertation Essay Help

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Identify the area you would like to review prior to undertaking the process. Some examples may be, auditing fluid balance charts on your ward. Perform a short clinical audit which may be undertaken
utilising an existing tool, or one that you develop. The audit may be brief and is not intended to replace existing workplace audits in your practice area. You may have to negotiate the audit
process according to your institutions policies and procedures. Remember to keep it small, it is more about the process. For example if you are auditing F.B.C’s, choose to audit 10.

Write a paper that demonstrates your understanding of the audit process, the communication pathways undertaken and how this related to the audit literature. Critique the selected tool and justify
any recommendations for amendment. Discuss your audit findings and any issues that arose and how this relates to the area of clinical risk highlighted following completion of the audit. Make
recommendations for quality improvement and how they may be achieved within the auditing framework. Include the audit tool and a summary of the results of your audit as an attachment to the
submitted paper. To construct the audit summary your attention is drawn to recommendations from the literature as related to presenting audit.

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