Childhood Obesity Dissertation Essay Help

Childhood Obesity

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Choose the same topic you selected for the Module 1 discussion, childhood obesity. If the search for that topic does not produce any results, please select another topic. The results of this topic
search will include an interactive data table, if it is available. Next, explore these tables, graphs, and the charts on your topic to address the following questions:
What was the topic you selected and why did you select this topic? Is it a public health concern? (2-3 sentences)
Summarize your findings by:
Clearly state which data table was used (e.g., mental health, serious psychological distress, ages 18+: US, 1997-2011 [Source: NHIS])
Identify the types of variables and measurement scales that were used in the table. Please make sure you define them.
Describe the types of descriptive statistics that were used to summarize the findings on your topic.
State your findings.
3. What is the best way to graphically present your findings and why?

3. Use information technology to access, evaluate, interpret, and communicate public health information.
4. Generalize, analyze, and interpret biostatistics in describing the health of communities.
5. Develop and translate different measurement scales and data distributions to determine statistical methodology.
6. Evaluate, interpret, and communicate results of descriptive and inferential statistical analyses of public health data to a variety of audiences.

Learning Objectives:
1. Summarize and discuss the findings in public health data tables.
2. Differentiate among different types of variables (continuous, time to event, dichotomous, ordinal, interval, and ratio).
3. Graphically represent data to the public.

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