Check the instructions Academic Essay

Do the following in powerpoint PowerPoint!

I need a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) for Project Management. The company is DynCorp. It is a private military contractor. It is contracted by
NATO to maintain and support its base. I want you to do a WBS on this project. It is to be organized by milestones. 1.Break milestones into work packages 2.Identify each work package with a verb/noun shorthand. 3.Describe productivity 4.Validate the work package duration 5.Identify the immediate predecessors and immediate succesors 6.Cost the work packages for the budget 7.Identify auditing or direct-quality assesments Three levels: L0, L1, L2 Use page connectors Use elbow connectors between all milestones and work packages Try to find as many parallel work packages as possible Use the same size box for every milestone and work package Every column and row is ought to be spaced evenly Use vertical and horizontal distribution and centering buttons

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