We can work on Tensorflow and XGBoost

Write a paper on analyzing the MNIST data set with XGBoost, Keras and Tensorflw Section 1 introduction to the MNIST dataset http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MNIST_database Section 2 Apply XGBoost to the MNIST dataset Section 3 Apply Keras & Tensorflow to the MNIST dataset https://www.kaggle.com/ritupande/self-tutorial-deep-learning-using-keras/data https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1iTGGKIfxRRrhWpQQUqHdfVMrfqkdE0un https://colab.research.google.com/github/tensorflow/tpu/blob/master/tools/colab/keras_mnist_tpu.ipynb End the paper with conclusions Sample Solution 73. This page ofRead more about We can work on Tensorflow and XGBoost[…]

We can work on The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility

Thompson Ch. 9 outlines a series of ways in which it is possible to make “The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices” (see pages 207-209.) Apply this material to your own healthcare organization and discuss what the organization is currently doing in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility and EnvironmentallyRead more about We can work on The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility[…]

We can work on Novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel.

Elie’s life was impacted by several characters – many of them appropriatelyintroduced in the novel. Choose the most impactful characters and document how theyinfluenced Elie before, during, and after his time in the concentration camps. Possiblethesis statement: All experiences, whether good or bad, are made truly memorablethrough interactions with people….Academic Level : BachelorPaper detailsNovel “Night”Read more about We can work on Novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel.[…]


The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Global Health Comparison Matrix; 1-page Plan for Social Change)Part 1: Global Health Comparison MatrixFocusing on the country you selected and the U.S., complete the Global Health Comparison Matrix. Be sure toaddress the following:Consider the U.S. national/federal health policies that have been adapted for the global health issue youselected from theRead more about We can work on COMPARING UNITED STATES AND AFGHANISTAN HEALTH POLICY: VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN[…]