We can work on Holistic care

Traditionally, physician orders lean heavily in the direction of traditional care of withholding any nutrition until the passing of flatus occurs following surgery (Ituk & Habib, 2018). Focusing on the holistic care of the patient by incorporating evidence-based pathways will help meet more of the needs of the patient as a whole. The nurses willRead more about We can work on Holistic care[…]

We can work on Reading Research Literature (RRL) Worksheet

Reading, understanding, and appreciating original nursing research literature is essential for evidence-basedpractice (AACN, 2008; QSEN, 2018). This assignment provides a learning activity for students to read anoriginal research study and complete a worksheet to demonstrate understanding of the study purpose, design,sample, data collection, analysis, limitations, conclusions, and the importance of reading research literature.Download and completeRead more about We can work on Reading Research Literature (RRL) Worksheet[…]

We can work on Carbohydrates

Write a paragraph that reflects on your diet analysis report(s) from this week. Focus specifically on Carbohydrate intake, food choices and dietary habits. Use any of the below questions to start your reflection:What foods/beverages tend to be your primary sources of carbohydrates?What foods/beverages contribute to intake of added sugars/empty calories?Did you identify any foods/beverages thatRead more about We can work on Carbohydrates[…]

We can work on Criminological theories: How they work in today’s law enforcement

A strong theoretical infrastructure is vital in the discipline of criminal justice. Theoretical research support all facets of our criminal justice system, to include academics, students, and learned practitioners as well. Many decisions and established laws derived from a theoretical lens, and disciplined review. Criminal justice theory is essential in examining the why of criminalRead more about We can work on Criminological theories: How they work in today’s law enforcement[…]

We can work on Using Virtual Manipulatives

The Effectiveness of Using Virtual Manipulatives to Teach Area and Perimeter to HSchool Students with Learning DisabilitiesThe research questions needing to be answered are: What percentage of area math problems are students with learning disabilities in mathematics able to accuratesolve when using virtual manipulatives? What percentage of area math problems are students with learning disabilitiesRead more about We can work on Using Virtual Manipulatives[…]