We can work on The Presentation

Create a slide show (in PowerPoint or similar software) in which you address the following, in this order: Goals: What the project hopes to accomplish.Critical Success Factors: Identify at least four different stakeholders; for each, list at least two things that the stakeholder requires in order to deem the project successful. Acquisition strategy: Should theRead more about We can work on The Presentation[…]

We can work on Practice Experience: Identifying a Practice Problem in Need of Improvement

In this weeks Discussion, you shared your experiences with health care practice problems as a consumer and/or as a practitioner. Now, consider your current practice setting and think about something specific and relevant to your practice setting that you would like to see improved or changed. Interview a key leader in your practice setting whoRead more about We can work on Practice Experience: Identifying a Practice Problem in Need of Improvement[…]


Research Proposal Part 1Using the knowledge gained of research methods each student must write a ten-page; not counting the title page, abstract, and bibliography; Chapters 1 and 2 of a national security topic research proposal that the student has not previously submitted for credit.  Part 1 of the research proposal is designed for the studentRead more about We can work on WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON U.S. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS?[…]

We can work on Nuclear Technologies and the Anthropocene

President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (Available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OyBNmecVtdU )The success of the Manhattan Project ushered in a brand new age in global history: The Nuclear Age. Fraught with numerous dangers but also with unknown possibilities, the legacies of the Manhattan project remain with us to this day. By the turn of the century, questions aroseRead more about We can work on Nuclear Technologies and the Anthropocene[…]

We can work on data visualizations of the exploratory data analysis in Tableau

Integrated Experiential Learning: data visualizations of the exploratory data analysis XN Project: data visualizations of the exploratory data analysis in TableauProject Goals and objectivesThe Viacom Company wants to know the performance of audiences by using visualization tool. This project aims to find some patterns or trends from the customers online orders. Also, the project wantsRead more about We can work on data visualizations of the exploratory data analysis in Tableau[…]

We can work on Concept of technology structures and social boundaries for organizations

• How do each of these apply to the three perspectives (natural, rational, and open)?• What areas of technology are an issue for participants?• What are the issues with organizational boundaries for participants?• Personal perspectives• Include any theoretical viewpoints for each of these areas. You are not limited to these questions, they are simply toRead more about We can work on Concept of technology structures and social boundaries for organizations[…]