We can work on Cyber Security Management Model, Recommendations for Counteracting Cyber Threats

IT Security Policy: Your organization of 100 employees has recently became a victim of cyber-crime in which a database of personal information (i.e. credit card and social security numbers) was compromised.  In light of these events, management has elected you to develop a plan to create a comprehensive IT security policy that includes a decisionRead more about We can work on Cyber Security Management Model, Recommendations for Counteracting Cyber Threats[…]

We can work on Audiology

In this assignment, you will be looking at the scope of practice of audiology according to ASHA (AmericanSpeech and Hearing Association) and AAA (American Academy of Audiology). If able, you can do the following3 columns: (instead of columns I prefer format to be question and answered in bullet points)First Column: What is present in AAARead more about We can work on Audiology[…]

We can work on Why should some juveniles be tried as adults while in prison

A. Assignment GuidelinesDIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. 1. Argumentative Thesis Statement Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?2. Argument Development Are all of the details relevantRead more about We can work on Why should some juveniles be tried as adults while in prison[…]

We can work on Excel spreadsheet

Resource: Pastas R Us, Inc. DatabaseReview the Wk 2 – Apply: Statistical Report assignment.In preparation for writing your report to senior management next week, conduct the following descriptivestatistics analyses with Excel®. Answer the questions below in your Excel sheet or in a separate Worddocument:Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.”Read more about We can work on Excel spreadsheet[…]

We can work on Read Instructions

1. Listen to the 3rdgrade passage Green Flash audio. 2. Score it according to the Directions posted.3. Check your scoring against the scored passage that is provided.4. Use the Hasbrouk & Tindal Fluency Norms, and the Fluency Rubric to assess the rate and prosody.5. Write a paragraph including the following elements: a.Discuss the student’s accuracy,Read more about We can work on Read Instructions[…]


The purpose of this assignment is for students to develop self/other awareness and knowledge of their culture,and how their cultural background influence and affect their belief/value system and attitudes toward theiridentity and those of distinctive cultural groups different from their own. This is essential when working withculturally different clients.Students will produce 2-3 slide PowerPoint presentationRead more about We can work on CULTURE BAG & REFLECTION PAPER[…]