We can work on Welcome to Sodom (2018) in relation to Business ethics MINDMAP

1) Read de Vrind, “From environmental ethics to sustainable decision-making” (Uploaded) and the two short academic magazine articles on Agbogbloshi (link below) . DO  LITTLE SUMMARY OF EACH ARTICLE SEPARATELY.https://africasacountry.com/2019/03/six-myths-about-electronic-waste-in-agbogbloshie-ghana https://theconversation.com/how-potential-of-massive-e-waste-dump-in-ghana-can-be-harnessed-121953 2) Think about the situation in the film: who are the various “actors” (e.g. workers, companies…) involved? What are their interests in this situation?Read more about We can work on Welcome to Sodom (2018) in relation to Business ethics MINDMAP[…]

We can work on Lab for physics

Download the free App Phyphox https://phyphox.org/download/ (Links to an external site.) Prepare a file with pictures of your set up. Include also a screen shot of the App PhyPhox with frequency and speed charts. Include also the excel file with the raw data. Here are for example, pictures part 2 On the same report fileRead more about We can work on Lab for physics[…]

We can work on Linkage between the rank-and-file employee compensation and employee performance

Topic:  Linkage between the rank-and-file employee compensation and employee performance     Up to now, we have focused on executive compensation plans.  Now, we want to spend some time exploring how the rest of the organization’s employees are compensated. These models can run the gamit from per-hour wages for non-management employees to established pay rangesRead more about We can work on Linkage between the rank-and-file employee compensation and employee performance[…]


use this — Electronic medication administration with barcoding Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Before you begin to develop the assessment you are encouraged to complete the Annotated Bibliography Formative Assessment. Completing this activityRead more about We can work on ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING[…]

We can work on Concluding Essay

For your concluding essay, think about the most likely or significant area of your life where you think you will have some form of intercultural interactions (example: doing business, travel, in the workplace, charity work, relations with people where you live, friendships, etc.). Then, select and write about the two most important topics (concept, exercise,Read more about We can work on Concluding Essay[…]

We can work on Share the Music

Description: Watch two videos featuring the performance of a twentieth century music composition. Your choices must be from the twentieth or twenty-first century classical tradition, such as solo, orchestral or chamber music performances, not pop, rock, or jazz. Please note that this assignment is not a 20th or 21st century performance of music from theRead more about We can work on Share the Music[…]