We can work on Week 5 Discussion 2

Discussion 2: Documents and Website Content as Data Sources for a Qualitative StudyWebsites and social media sites can provide important sources of data that will help expand your understanding of the stakeholders who are connected to the phenomena you are exploring. Walden has devoted an entire website to making visible its actions and activities aboutRead more about We can work on Week 5 Discussion 2[…]

We can work on Evolution of Human Services: Designing the Historical Context

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, Read Chapter 2 in the assigned text and LoPatin-Lummis Protesting About Pauperism: Poverty, Politics and Poor Relief in Late-Victorian England, 1870-1900. If you want to dive further, check Loiaconos A Peoples History of Poverty in America in the Recommended Resources section this week. Historically, poverty has beenRead more about We can work on Evolution of Human Services: Designing the Historical Context[…]

We can work on Major Project

Follow the instructions below. Clearly number your responses. Submit your work no later than Sunday. I. Science? Use the NOTUS criteria to mark the following statements as science, pseudoscience, protoscience or not science. Polar ice caps are melting.Artificial Intelligence could one day make decisions as humans.The freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.Palm readingRead more about We can work on Major Project[…]

We can work on project 2

Ford Motor CompanyCalculating selected ratios (complete with the details of the calculations) from the most recently released audited financial statements, preparing a narrative explaining the results of the ratio calculations from the most recently released audited financial statements and role-play as an investor of the company chosen (Ford Motor Company).Component II Instructions: Students must submitRead more about We can work on project 2[…]

We can work on Birth of a nation

https://youtu.be/aWroitR49Uchttps://calstatela.kanopy.com/video/ethnic-notions-0The login info will be available once you confirm the orderhttps://youtu.be/wyXRb3YTDUU Using D.W. Griffith’s Birth of A Nation and what you learned from the movie Ethnic Notions, what racialstereotypes/”Single Stories” that were used to create an understanding of black people in both the north andsouth that helped/help to maintain the system of white dominance inRead more about We can work on Birth of a nation[…]

We can work on Assignment 7

Write a generic class Pair which has two type parametersF and Seach representing the type of the first and second element of the pair, respectively. Add set and get methods for the first and second elements of the pair and be sure to demonstrate your setters/getters actually work. (Hint: The class header should be publicRead more about We can work on Assignment 7[…]

We can work on Creative Breweries

Creative Breweries has recently installed new Windows client operating systems as well as Windows server operating systems. Before they procure firewalls, they would like to take advantage of the security (firewall) features already built into these operating systems. As a mid-level network technician, Creative tasks you with configuring these clients and servers for firewall protectionRead more about We can work on Creative Breweries[…]

We can work on Entries

You are going to write 7 entries/hours new entry and correct 5 entries by add more words to the one who missing. All enter need to be 200 or more and entry # 12  Please follow the indication: Fieldwork Assignment for EDCE 42000 (indication) All material that you need are attached. Fieldwork Assignment for EDCERead more about We can work on Entries[…]