We can work on Backward planning

Visit the Library and read the article below in preparation for your Discussion Board posting. Project teams repeatedly underestimate the time needed to complete project tasks. In this paper a strategy – known as backward planning – is examined that purports to counteract optimistic scheduling bias. Backward planning involves starting a plan at the endRead more about We can work on Backward planning[…]

We can work on Converting images from png to SVG.

Convert the following images from png to SVG.https://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/677336/thumb_20200918200524img_4553.pnghttps://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/677336/thumb_20200918200543img_4549.pnghttps://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/677336/thumb_20200918200602img_4551.pnghttps://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/677336/thumb_20200918200619img_4552.pnghttps://www.studypool.com/uploads/questions/677336/thumb_20200918200631img_4484.png Sample Solution Cumbia The Folk Music of Colombia Cumbia Colombian Folk Music For Colombian, Cumbia is the best agent of our three ethnic foundations like Colombia, Africa and Spain. Each culture has its own language, physical articulation and energy. Cumbia is a result of the historical backdropRead more about We can work on Converting images from png to SVG.[…]

We can work on Engineering design

For this paper you will write a 3-4 page paper on the societal, economic, and environmental implications of Hybrid and Automated Vehicles. You should provide a broad overview of implications such as fuel economy, environmental impacts, safety, user acceptance, and legal implications and choose one are to focus in more depth, supporting your conclusions withRead more about We can work on Engineering design[…]

We can work on Dimensions of emotional intelligence

1.Name, explain and give examples of the 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence.2.second question​:Shockbox.3.Dragon’s Den Discussion Forum Working independently/pair/group, post a short summary of the assigned work.One team member posts the answers on behalf of the entire team.Ensure all team member names and the title are included in your forum post title.Answers in your post mustRead more about We can work on Dimensions of emotional intelligence[…]

We can work on Solution for health issues

Find solution for health issues like COPD and other lung diseases in Glendale community related to smocking a.Provide an introduction to identified health concern/problem (identified health concern in Glendale community is COPD and lung diseases caused by smocking) ? What is the community setting and population?(glendale community) b.Provide supportive data from assessment of community, includingRead more about We can work on Solution for health issues[…]

We can work on Estimators

Question: Two researchers are given 2 datasets from the World Bank regarding the saving behavior of households in Kenya. The currency in Kenya is the shilling (KES). At the current exchange rate 107.850 KES = 1USD. Each of the n = 150 observation in the dataset is sampled from the same population of households butRead more about We can work on Estimators[…]