We can work on Online Obsession

What are the effects of Nomophobia? Does this vary from country to country? Age group to age group? Socio-economic status? Occupation? [MO4.4]Describe the central role of social media in the lives of students. Is it easy or hard to reduce students’ use of these types of online social media forms? [MO4.1]Describe how Internet addiction canRead more about We can work on Online Obsession[…]

We can work on History of the multiple criteria rule in Georgia.

Give a brief history of the multiple criteria rule in Georgia. When and where did it begin? How did development of multiple criteria proceed? Compare and contrast the major differences in the previous rule 160-4-2-.08 and the current rule. Explain the justification of multiple criteria for identifying gifted students and in the planning of appropriateRead more about We can work on History of the multiple criteria rule in Georgia.[…]

We can work on Education

View the Mystery Data PowerPoint and read, Equity and Excellence. The data represents support for Gifted Education in America in the twentieth century. Note that support was up during the Sputnik period and down during the Civil Rights movement. The research article further explains how the mystery of support unfolds. What does this pattern ofRead more about We can work on Education[…]

We can work on Battered Woman

In the United States, self-defense is an affirmative defense to murder. For this defense, the individual must use reasonable force against another when they believe the other person is threatening them with imminent and unlawful harm. One context in which a claim of self-defense is often raised is that of a woman who kills herRead more about We can work on Battered Woman[…]

We can work on Misconceptions of Cultural groups.

Select a commercial, advertisement, children’s book, magazine, television show, or movie. Evaluate the messages about the cultural group. Identify the cultural norms that are emphasized, stereotypes, and expectations that are presented in these messages. Write a 3 page reaction paper detailing the popular culture and the evaluation of the of the cultural messages. Sample SolutionRead more about We can work on Misconceptions of Cultural groups.[…]

We can work on Maximize Your Time, Minimize Your Cost

Investigate the opportunities and strategies supported by CCU that can help you save money and reduce theamount of time it will take to obtain your degree:Scholarships for Adult StudentsUsing Prior Learning Credit at CCU (Additional information about Prior Learning Credit, such as Credit byThe portfolio is available through the Student Resources tab in Blackboard.)Transfer CreditTestingRead more about We can work on Maximize Your Time, Minimize Your Cost[…]

We can work on Family holidays

Https://courses.portal2learn.com/content/enforced/12865-LA032_21_1/family.jpg?_&d2lSessionVal=GmkNFMFt78mQL634u3pbWAzPvObjective: An elementary bilingual teacher asks you to come to her class to talk to her students about how you used to celebrate the holidays with your family. First you want your Spanish teacher to hear what you plan to say, so you decide to write it out to read to her. Be sure toRead more about We can work on Family holidays[…]