We can work on Technology in the Media

Review the module resources and overview, and select a popular-culture example (television show,commercial, game, movie, etc.). Analyze how technology is represented and the social message conveyed bythe example. In your initial post, briefly describe the popular-culture example you selected and address thefollowing:How does your example portray or reflect technology?What is the social message or commentaryRead more about We can work on Technology in the Media[…]

We can work on Healthcare system

Visit the NetMotion Web site (www.netmotionwireless.com) and access and read other Mobility XE success stories. Discuss the patterns that can be observed in the benefits that Mobility XE users have realized via its deployment and use. Do some Internet research on the security implications of HIPPA requirements for hospital networks. Discuss the major types ofRead more about We can work on Healthcare system[…]

We can work on Video analysis

View the video Humans Need Not Apply. Answer the discussion questions below. Discussion Questions1.Do you think that there will not be enough jobs for humans in the future?2.What kind of jobs do you think will be available for humans?3.How will society be impacted if technological advances eliminate most jobs? Part 2 IntroductionNew technologies enter ourRead more about We can work on Video analysis[…]

We can work on “Does Free Speech Offend You?” and “Freedom of Expression,” Human Rights for Open Societies

Is freedom of expression an achievable goal for all people?Is it more achievable in a democracy and or open society?Does it really exist in the US? Explain your answer.Does “political correctness” allow freedom of expression or does it restrict it?Is freedom of expression available in a totalitarian society or a dictatorship? If so, what areRead more about We can work on “Does Free Speech Offend You?” and “Freedom of Expression,” Human Rights for Open Societies[…]

We can work on Wagner’s writings

Otto Wagner famously stated that “new purposes must give birth to new methods of construction, and by thisreasoning also to new forms.” Using Wagner’s writings along with Fabiani’s interpretation of Wagner’sinfluence, and his Post Office Savings Bank of 1904 as evidence, do you believe Wagner has effectively (andconvincingly) articulated a “new form” of architecture, eitherRead more about We can work on Wagner’s writings[…]