We can work on Social action proposal

Write a complete 2000-word social action proposal, using the major sections developed in previous modules to contribute to this document. To meet the 2000-word limit, you will need to carefully edit your proposal, organize your findings, and reduce redundant information. Include the following major sections in your proposal: Introduction: Briefly introduce your proposal, including aRead more about We can work on Social action proposal[…]

We can work on Wal-Mart’s competitive advantages

To what extent can Wal-Mart’s competitive advantages be transferred into international spheres? Case: Walmart 2005Read the case Wal-Mart 2005. The question that you are to address is: To what extent can Wal-Mart’s competitive advantages be transferred into international spheres? First identify the competitive advantages and then address the issue of transferring to international spheres. YouRead more about We can work on Wal-Mart’s competitive advantages[…]

We can work on Concept mapping

Before starting the assignment, please watch this video – The Difference Between Concepts, Models, andTheories (linked below). Also, refer to this list of concepts to help you get started. (Please note that while thisdocument contains a list of possible concepts that can be used for this assignment, some concepts are notappropriate for this assignment. ItRead more about We can work on Concept mapping[…]

We can work on Response paper

Students will write a response paper of 550-600 words (2 pages) responses will reflect on the course’s themes. Ycan write about anything from the first class through the fourth class. When writing you should choose a specificaspect from the materials so far, analyze significance in detail, connect it to our broader class discussions, and,potentially, issuesRead more about We can work on Response paper[…]

We can work on Policing program

Design your own p to be used in a city with a population of 50,000A summary of your policing design. Include the number of officers, assignments, and shifts.Your design should use sworn (LE) personnel effectively and not bankrupt the city.Your design should use sworn (LE) personnel effectively and not bankrupt the city.Answer this question: HowRead more about We can work on Policing program[…]