We can work on Common hardware and software issues by logically applying fundamental IT

 Assess common hardware and software issues by logically applying fundamental IT tools and methods  Determine basic hardware and software options that meet general technology needs for organizations  Illustrate appropriate network and multi-user operating system methods that support key business objectives  Identify information security procedures that reflect best practices for managing accessRead more about We can work on Common hardware and software issues by logically applying fundamental IT[…]

We can work on Recollection.

There are many controversies with regard to recollection. For example, Dr. Loftus has demonstrated in court many times over that human memory is fallible. There are times when witnesses to crimes or accidents need to be able to provide accurate information to authorities. People have been (deliberately and otherwise) accused of crimes. There are timesRead more about We can work on Recollection.[…]

We can work on The Mythical Man Month book, 1975.

Read the attached article: https://twu.instructure.com/courses/2905701/files/167792561/download?wrap=1 by Frederick Brooks, extracts from The Mythical Man Month book, 1975. Tell us something about what you learn from this article. Your posting should contain at least 200 words; 3.Find at least two credible sources to study the recent VW Diesel Scandal and read what this topic is about andRead more about We can work on The Mythical Man Month book, 1975.[…]

We can work on Childhood Obesity

The Assignment: For this Discussion Board, complete the following steps: Step 1: Review the following resources:Americas Food and Health Watchdog website: https://cspinet.org/ (opens in a new window)American Psychological Associations website: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/12/cover-obesity (opens in a new window).Step 2: You will not write a standard “initial post” for this DB.  Instead, you will design and post aRead more about We can work on Childhood Obesity[…]

We can work on Compare this presidential election to a past presidential election of your choosing

Write a 2-3 page paper (double-spaced) which addresses the following: First, compare this presidential election to a past presidential election of your choosing.How do these two elections compare? How are they similar and how are they different? Explain the steps an individual in the United States must take in order to vote in apresidential election.Read more about We can work on Compare this presidential election to a past presidential election of your choosing[…]

We can work on Any topic (writer’s choice)

ASSIGNMENT 1 Research police departments, local or non-local (think big like NYC!) and pickeight specialized units from those departments (i.e. k-9, warrant apprehension, child advocacycenter, domestic violence, anti-terrorism, motor patrol, hostage negotiation team, school resourceofficer, narcotics, Crisis Response Team, etc.) Discuss these specialized units and what theirpurpose and operation are within the department. These writtenRead more about We can work on Any topic (writer’s choice)[…]

We can work on Energy system integration of offshore energy

The offshore wind and Oil & Gas sectors are historically largely separate. This project seeks to exploit synergies between the two in order to reduce the costs associated with O&G abandonment. Specific objectives are to: • Identify hotspots where the two sectors, have the strongest synergies, e.g. hub locations• Assess the potential to exploit existingRead more about We can work on Energy system integration of offshore energy[…]