We can work on Tracking women’s decision-making for sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Respond to the question below in 300 words. This exercise is based on one part of the Week 8 live seminar preparation/exercises. Tracking women’s decision-making for sexual and reproductive health and rights. Imagine you are the Chief Gender Advisor to the Minister of Health in a small island state in the Asia Pacific (pick one).Read more about We can work on Tracking women’s decision-making for sexual and reproductive health and rights.[…]

We can work on Properties of Organic compound

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the properties of organic compounds. Sample Solution The drug release from the pH-sensitive nanoparticles follows certain mechanisms which include: 1- Drug burst releases when the nanoparticle carriers dissolve at specific pH conditions: They usually exhibited burst release profiles because of the dissolution characters of the carriers; drug release from conventional nanoparticlesRead more about We can work on Properties of Organic compound[…]

We can work on Digital tool: exploring the perspective of students toward the support platform ‘Bingel’

View the digital platform as a learning or playing tool. Bingel belong to Sanoma education.I will attach a first topic which I ready started before I lost motivation. See if we can retsructure it to a better and easy topic.Questions such as: what do you do on Bingel, practice english, math, play gamification, Youtube, listenRead more about We can work on Digital tool: exploring the perspective of students toward the support platform ‘Bingel’[…]

We can work on Poetry Analysis

Book needed: Norton Introduction to Literature, Shorter Thirteenth Edition (BLUE & GREEN BOOK)Choose a poem in Chapter 12 or in the Exploring Gender album.Prompt: Write an essay in which you show how and why the speaker experiences a conflict between particularways of looking or being. Also look at how the speaker’s attitude toward, or thoughtsRead more about We can work on Poetry Analysis[…]