We can work on Discussions

For students who cannot attend the class synchronously due to time differences, please watch the zoom recordings under Week 4’s module, and then answer the following discussion questions: Engage with the four characters: Cui Qiao, Gu Qing, Han Han, and the father, in the story and briefly answer the following questions: Who are they? WhatRead more about We can work on Discussions[…]

We can work on Joseph Carson of Thycotic, the author of the book “Cybersecurity for Dummies”

Joseph Carson of Thycotic, the author of the book “Cybersecurity for Dummies” wrote a free version of his text as a guide for the general public. The AICPA obviously had a specific target market for an article it published: “Top 20” article: Top 20 Cybersecurity Checklist for accountants. Compare what you learned in Carson’s textRead more about We can work on Joseph Carson of Thycotic, the author of the book “Cybersecurity for Dummies”[…]

We can work on Samsung Company

Address the major reason(s) why choosing Samsung as your company.Explain how you think this company might provide value if you were to acquire their stock.Assess how the Samsung company appears to approach issues of ethical behavior and social responsibility and how this might affect its value.Describe the specific data elements from your evaluation of theRead more about We can work on Samsung Company[…]

We can work on Advantages (“pros”) and disadvantages (“cons”) of qualitative methodology

What are the advantages (“pros”) and disadvantages (“cons”) of qualitative methodology? (word guide range: approx. 1, 000 words)Question #2: Choose one (1) qualitative method of generating qualitative data and discuss its advantages (“pros”) and disadvantages (“cons”). (word guide range: approx. 1, 000 words) Sample Solution overcome several limitations of conventional drug, including poor aqueous solubility,Read more about We can work on Advantages (“pros”) and disadvantages (“cons”) of qualitative methodology[…]