We can work on Divided Attention

Paragraph One – Summary: Should Include:Name of BookName of AuthorCopyright Date3-5 sentences of what the chapter is about. A summary should answer basic questions about the original text such as “Who did what, where, and when?”, or “What is the main idea of the text?”, “What are the main supporting points?”, “What are the majorRead more about We can work on Divided Attention[…]

We can work on short analytics summary

https://s3.amazonaws.com/blackboard.learn.xythos.prod/5970c46bc1741/1501247?response-cache-control=private%2C%20max-age%3D21600&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27Fake%2520News_Potential%2520Solutions%2520to%2520the%2520Online%2520Epidemic.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20201006T210000Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAYDKQORRYTKBSBE4S%2F20201006%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=2f286b29918047272e905f337190d2881b26ed2b9703725c8fda8a344dd56a43 For this short assignment, you need to read one of the previous articles listed and write a response to the text that critically analyzes the text using the previous reading from the Analytical Summary Project as a lens. This assignment should create an original argument that you support using quotes from the three articlesRead more about We can work on short analytics summary[…]

We can work on Diversity in the workplace

Write a three page essay on one topic of workplace ethics:Fair hiring practicesDiversity in the workplaceWorkplace compensationHonesty in advertisingWhistleblowingConflict of interest policiesWorkplace safetyUnions in the workplace Sample Solution Approaching all the elements above, will lead to charitable giving. To build and maintain profitable customer relationships, customer relationship management need to be implemented. It is veryRead more about We can work on Diversity in the workplace[…]

We can work on Environmental Health – Unsafe Water Sources – Poor Quality

The Code of Ethics for Nurses (American Nurses Association, 2015) Principle 9.4 calls nurses to“advocate for policies, programs, and practices within the healthcare environment that maintain,sustain, and repair the natural world” (p. 37). During a recent testimony for the MinnesotaClimate Caucus, it was reported that nurses are ethically bound to recognize that “Social justiceextends beyondRead more about We can work on Environmental Health – Unsafe Water Sources – Poor Quality[…]

We can work on Refugees

Social Movements and Intercultural Communication Research Paper: In this assignment, you will have theopportunity to research how groups in the U.S. have worked to confront and transform oppression throughlearning about social movements, activism, and communication. The growing emphasis on collective actionraises new questions for research and practice in communication for development and social change. Forexample,Read more about We can work on Refugees[…]

We can work on Any topic (writer’s choice)

Presentation: Informative Presentation DirectionsAssignment:    Informative PresentationTime limit:     4-6 minutesPoint value:    75 PointsInstructional materials:    Chapter 10 Topic SelectionChapter 11 Using Supporting Materials (pgs. 296-301)Chapter 12 Organizing your PresentationChapter 13 Delivery (pgs. 340-355)Chapter 14 Informative PresentationsSubmission:    See Recording Instructions belowAn informative speaker shares information with others to enhance their knowledge or understanding of a particular topic.Read more about We can work on Any topic (writer’s choice)[…]