
  1. Explain the history of carbon emissions and why the debate over carbon emissions exists.
  2. Outline and discuss three main areas of disagreement between Paul Cicio and Eileen Claussen.
  3. Which side do you agree with? Explain your answer.

Answer and explanation

Carbon emissions have an antiquated record of time in history. Carbon has been a part of our history since the industrialization era from wars of such and it has only increased in emanations and in selective interests globally. With the attention by some on carbon emissions, it raises question within the policy that was in acted in 1969, Environmental Protection Act, of which it has cause and effect on the economy more specifically the Industrial governing sector. So they ask “will restricting carbon emissions damage the US economy?” Answering the stated question presents defense and opposition from two authors who debated their arguments before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Energy and Environment. Paul Cicio makes his favorable postion in his testimony in writing from “Competitiveness and Climate Policy: Avoiding Leakage of Jobs and Emissions”.

In Eileen Claussen testimony, she argues her rejection to the theory of damaging the economy by carbon emissions. Numerous amounts of legislation efforts and policies from administration were endorsed thereby cause effecting limitations on Industrial and commercial business conducts that might result in pollution, degradation or contamination of an individual’s atmosphere and environment or at whole. With these forms of regulatory control having been always opposed from affected entrepreneur’s and political lobbyist’s advocating a “Free-market system” that ploy’s a “Cap-and-trade system”, which sets a limit, ‘the cap’ on how much pollution can be released by emissions per annual year. Thereby requiring a permit made available, freely or auctioned off yet allowing resale of such unused permit amounts; but the fact still is that it presents a cost to the business competitively and profitability.

Paul Cicio claims that the restriction of carbon emissions will impact the US economy negatively that cause of job loss in lieu of increasing the importation of products to the US. He states that ‘regulating the US industrial sector before negotiations internationally with agreement that it damages our power to accomplish a fair and effective agree for Greenhouse Gas emission reduction homeland. With his theory of the US not able to grow it’s economy without increase volume usage, but presents an argument that they very well may be coming from imports, henceforth losing jobs homeland because the production for the volume would be provided from abroad. For US entrepreneurs to be profitable for the investors they must move where the production will increase thereby increasing profits, per se’

Explain carbon trading, carbon offsets, and cap and trade. How are each similar? How are each different?

Carbon Trading is a system of emissions trade where carbon is the product being bartered on a unit of measurement of “tonne” that’s released into the atmosphere. Carbon Offsets is a function for businesses to consume carbon credits to aid for their emissions expenditures by meeting their carbon reduction targets and support the transition to a low carbon economy. “Cap-and-trade” can be explained as the regulatory system that reduces specific kinds of emission pollution and to presents companies with a profit incentive to reduce their pollution levels faster than others in the industry. Enclosed in the cap and-trade program, a limit, “The Cap” on specific kinds of emission pollution is set, and companies are permitted to sell “trade” the unused portion of their limits to other companies that are unsuccessful to meet compliance. They all play hand in hand with similarity, however with slight variance on the governing of the specific three. With the contrast it illustrates the trade off in incentives


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