Boston Beer Company Case Dissertation Essay Help

: Boston Beer Company Case

Paper details:

Good Afternoon, per the professor the case paper needs to be 3-4 pages double spaced, 12 size Aerial font. My academic level
is College and the deadline would be Monday, April 7th. Per the professor I must follow the document I attached titled ‘Case
Procedures’ and discuss the risks, management, marketing ABOUT THE CASE ITSELF and make STRONG recommendations as
well as follow the ‘Case Tips’ which I have also attached. In the case tips document you will do a VALUATION using the Excel
document attached titled ‘McDaniels Formats 2017’. There are specific instructions to follow in the case tips please make sure to
follow those. The case procedures document #4 states the number of scenarios / solution tables is 3-4. I put a star next to it.
This means you will have to do 3 SEPARATE SCENARIOS changing figures around using that same excel ‘McDaniels Formats
2017’ document. At the top of each scenario you will need to insert a sentence describing what is going on in that scenario. Also
one paragraph for each scenario/table explaining what is going on in the scenario should be included as a separate Word
document. PLEASE refer back to the other cases that were previously done for examples. Any questions please let me know.
FYI See note from teacher: In class we are using the EBITDA format this term. Anyone who turns in solution tables using the
straight tax-shield method [S(1-t), vS(1-t), etc.] is under suspicion of using spreadsheets obtained from previous terms. I will not
accept such straight tax-shield case submissions.

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