Born Leaders Versus Taught Leaders
Order Description
In this unit’s studies, you viewed three videos about the qualities needed in future leaders, and whether individuals could be taught to be leaders. For this discussion, compare and contrast Berwick’s comment about future leaders needing to be connectors and Haggerty’s comment that the future needs collaborative leaders.
Now, respond to the following:
Do you believe that leaders can be taught? Support your answer with examples and evidence.
What management skills do you believe the DNP leader will need for the future?
How important is curiosity in leading and managing?
Website icon How Do I Find Peer Reviewed Articles?.
Website icon Berwick: What Challenge Do You Hope Tomorrow’s Leaders Will Take On?.
Website icon Berwick: What Challenge Do You Hope Tomorrow’s Leaders Will Take On?.
Website icon Haggerty: What Challenge Do You Hope Tomorrow’s Leaders Will Take On?.
Use your Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators e-book to complete the following:
Review Chapter 14, “Leaders Achieving Sustainable Outcomes,” pages 397�412.
Read Chapter 15, “Messaging and Disseminating Excellent in Leadership and Ethical Implications,” pages 415�440.
read Porter-O’Grady’s 2001 article, “Profound Change: 21st Century Nursing,” from Nursing Outlook, volume 49, issue 4, pages 182�186.
Use the Internet to complete the following:
View the video Berwick: What Challenge Do You Hope Tomorrow’s Leaders Will Take On? from the IHI. This video features Don Berwick, administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Click Transcript to access the transcript for this video.
View the video Haggerty: What Challenge Do You Hope Tomorrow’s Leaders Will Take On? from the IHI. This video features Rosanne Haggerty, president and founder, Common Ground. Click Transcript to access the transcript for this video.
View the video Berwick: What Do You Think of the Idea That Some People Are “Born Leaders”? Can Someone Who’s Not a “Born Leader” Become One? from the IHI. This video features Don Berwick, administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Click Transcript to access the transcript for this video.