Case Study Assignment 1: (20 points)
Blackrock Craft Brewing
The purpose for this assignment is to allow you the opportunity to apply key concepts from the course.

These include application of Porters five forces model and completion of a SWOT analysis. The case is

based on a small craft brew house in transition from start-up to success. Start by reading the article titled:

Blackrocks: Craft brewing – from hobby to business: Applying strategic management to the small firm.

Once you have read the article by Gnauck, Hart, and Pagel, read the article titled: Guidelines for applying

Porter’s five forces framework: A set of industry analysis templates. This article will provide insights on

how to apply Porters five forces to the BlackRock’s case. Review your notes about SWOT analysis from

readings in your text. Then begin the writing process. Reference all of the above while writing up your

case. Explain whether or not you think Just US! Coffee Roasters has implemented the best pricing policies

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