Bionic architecture Academic Essay

Please write 500-1000words proposal for your final year thesis. The topic of this proposal is again your own choice and you will need to relate the work to interior and spatial design.
Although it doesn’t have to relate to interior and spatial design initially, you will be required to connect the research to the discipline, so it is important you think about how you can link the topic to a interior or spatial perspective.

Be careful not to make your proposal too broad. Think about specific design themes, buildings, spaces, designers, architects or issues you wish to investigate. You won’t get the proposal right first time so be prepared to develop it as you do more research.
Your proposal should include a bibliography (in Harvard style) of all the relevant sources you have used or identified for your project to date.

For the proposal you must read:• Borden, I. and Ruedi, K. (2000). Dissertation: An Architectural Students Handbook. Oxford: Architectural Press.

Please narrow down the topic, ‘Bionic architecture’ is too big and open for the topic. Please set yourself a clear, feasible essay question. This should be discussed in your introduction to clarify your purpose of your writing. The quality of your essay will depend on your ability to answer the question you set, so think carefully how your writing responds to it.

you need to provide an argument in your writing by breaking the content down (analysing) to show how it relates to the question set. Move away from generalisations by looking at specific examples located in time and place. Think ‘concrete’ objects – pieces of furniture, particular spaces and buildings, all which have their own histories and contexts. Find critical accounts of these objects by other writers to help you move away from the descriptive. Use captioned images and/or annotated sketches to support your argument and analyses.

The quality of your essay will relate directly to how much (or how little) research and reflection you have done around the subject. It is not sufficient to base your writing on one or two sources (especially websites). Instead, you need to find a range of sources which helps you balance your views.

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