Bilingual children Academic Essay


Parents who speak a language other than English in the home are often concerned about the influence of the second language on their child’s development of English. What suggestions can be made from research evidence to parents in such a situation to promote positive language development in their children? VERY IMPORTANT: In your response, you need to refer to the findings of at least 5 empirical research studies / JOURNAL ARTICLES (published in the past 10 years, i.e

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. since 2006).
The article below is suggested as a starting point for your reading on this topic:
MacLeod, A., Fabiano_Smith, L., Boegner-Pagé, S., & Fontolliet, S. (2012). Simultaneous bilingual language acquisition: The role of parental input on receptive vocabulary development. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 29(1), 131-142. doi: 10.1177/0265659012466862

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