: Assessment task 4: Reflective Paper Academic Essay

Topic: Assessment task 4: Reflective Paper
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Assessment task 4: Reflective Paper
Your final assignment is a 2500 word paper which demonstrates your theoretical understanding of team development and group roles and processes, and reflects upon your experience of working collaboratively on the development of the group project.
In your paper, you should explore such aspects as the team roles adopted by you and your fellow group members; how each participant’s input was treated within the group; how divergent opinions were handled; how the group communicated; the actions and strategies adopted to overcome problems and achieve tasks; and whether the team interactions changed during the process.
Additional Information
We recommend that even if you do not regularly keep a reflective journal, that you do so throughout the group project, to record your actions, thoughts and feelings about the experience and to reflect on these. You may then draw on the journal for this paper, incorporating selections or quotes from this to illustrate your discussion. A refresher on reflective writing is available in the Module 1 Topic 1.1 folder (Leadership and Reflective Practice).
Please ensure you maintain confidentiality of group members at all times when discussing the group experience – if you mention another person, use pseudonyms or de-identify the information.
A web conference to discuss this assignment will be held in week 12, after you have submitted the group paper. As always, this will be recorded for those students who cannot join in the live discussion.
The rubric for this assignment may be accessed here: Assignment 4 Rubric.

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