Application of DNP Essential

Application of DNP Essential

In an attempt to promote effectiveness and competency in nursing practice, the AACN
devised eight essential elements of Doctor of Nursing Practice. These essential elements make
specific requirements regarding the training of nursing practice at the doctorate level. The
requirements also require the nursing graduates to meet certain competencies in line with each
requirement. The eight essential elements are: scientific underpinnings for practice,
organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement, clinical scholarship and
analytical methods for evidence-based practice, information systems/technology and patient care
technology for the improvement and transformation of health care, health care policy for
advocacy in health care, inter-professional collaboration for improving patient and populations
health outcomes, clinical prevention and population health for improving the nation’s health, and
advanced nursing practice in that order. Any nursing student needs to evaluate the core
competencies that the doctors in nursing practice are required to meet, and examine which of the
elements one is capable of achieving and which of the requirements need more efforts and
assistance to achieve.
The first requirement, scientific underpinnings for practice is one of my strongest points. This
DNP essential requires the utilization of concepts that are science-based in the promotion and
evaluation of health care delivery and the improvement of patient outcomes (Durham, Cotler, &
Corbridge, 2019). With adequate background education in nursing practice and patient care, I
can effectively evaluate health systems and propose more potent methods of providing care and
improving care outcomes. I am especially more versed in the identification and management of
chronic diseases and helping the patients to gracefully accept their conditions and be cooperative

in the care delivery. Such patients are often easily emotionally affected and there is need to
invest in gaining advanced scientific knowledge for dealing with such cases.
Since the graduates of doctor of nursing practice make significant contributions to nursing
science through dissemination, evaluation and translation of research into practice, they need to
have organizational and systems leadership skills which can help them enhance quality of
nursing practice (Zonsius, Miller, & Lamb, 2019). This requirement is met through successfully
achieving the second DNP essential. I have acquired advanced skills in the development of
guidelines for clinical practice, evaluation of the practice outcomes and designing of
interventions that are evidence-based. To effectively drive the improvement of nursing and
clinical practice, a DNP graduate needs to gain competency in leading change and advanced
organizational skills. Without the ability to properly manage and lead large health systems and
teams, a DNP graduate would not be able to effectively lead quality improvement.
Apart from the first and second essential elements of DNP, I have also been competent in
achieving the third element through my analytical skills for analyzing the quality of care and
ensuring accountability to patient safety, ethical issues and scientific research. I also have
experience with leading inter-professional teams through my collaborative and communication
skills. I have working experience in advanced nursing practice which is the eighth essential.
Even though I have achieved much of the DNP essential elements, I still have areas that need
Incorporating information systems and advanced technology in my practice has been a challenge.
This means I still have not satisfactorily met the fourth DNP essential. Care delivery needs to be
patient-centered, safe and efficient. However in this digital age, this level of care can only be
attained through the incorporation of technology and information systems in the caregiving

DNP Essential
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