Anylogic simulation
Order Description
I want to simulate a small factory using Anylogic Simulation and write 10 pages report about the date which you will get from anylogic results using three types of simulation (Agent based , Discrete event , System Dynamic)
The requirements: 1. I’m looking to simulate the whole factory by using anylogic ( using 3 types : agent based , discrete event, system dynamic ) based on my six sigma research gaps in the Word file which I have just attached under the title (The use of six sigma and AnyLogic simulation in improving operations in a components manufacturing factory). 2. You have to show in a 10 pages report how six sigma and anylogic data works together to answer my research gaps and objectives. you have to plot figures like cost , resources , demand, parameters , time , number of defects and other important parameters . 3. I attached some important information about my factory
these are some data that you need : 1. How many items from your raw materials (Heat Sink , PCB , Reflector) do you receive ? Is it once a month or week ? Previously we have received Heat sinks in batches of 100 ? 150 weekly, PCBs in batches of 500 ? 600 received as required (generally every 4 ? 6 weeks), Reflectors come in batches of 1000 as required (usually every 8 ? 12 weeks). 2. When do you get the items , How long does it take to ship the HiBay to customer ? Shipping is overnight to HiBay HQ who then ship it to their customers. 3. How many defects roughly do you get at PCB Board Testing each order? How percentages do you think that you refix again? I believe we have only had <5 failed pcb boards out of ~2000 or so. we don?t usually fix these. 4. same question regarding checking bubbles and faces in the final stage ? when were using silver metallised reflectors getting ~10 15% rejects due to peeling>