Analysis of literature Dissertation Essay Help

Analysis of literature

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PROMPT: Write a short essay in which you answer the following question:
Read the online article, “Are Chicana/os the Same as Mexicans”.
One of the most common themes in the literature from the first part of this class has been “resilience,” or the ability to keep going in spite of setbacks, bigotry,
and obstacles, on the part of the Chicana/o character.

What personal or cultural qualities enable the protagonists we’ve read about to resist oppression, inequity, or abuse, and bounce back in the face of adversity?

You will need to use specific examples from pieces by three different authors to effectively answer this question. You can choose from any of the material we have read
in the past four weeks, including the videos.
To write a successful essay, you will need to:

1) Make a claim about the literature that answers the question. Your essay needs to have a thesis; this is not a statement of simple fact, but an opinion that you
support with material from the texts. Your thesis will be the answer to the question.

2) Organize your essay around the thesis – develop your ideas with supporting paragraphs that have topic sentences, information, and explanations of why that
information is important to your thesis.

3) Quote material from three (3) different authors (if you quote one of the films from our class, be sure to name the film, the director, and the person speaking) – be
sure to paraphrase or summarize, analyze, and evaluate the material you quote. You also need to cite the source for the material, including author’s name and page
numbers. (you do not need a works cited page since we are all reading the same material in this class)
Here are the readings you quote from.
The Latino Reader by Augenbraum and Fernandez Olmos. Introduction part, and the account page 5 – 16.
OR you can quote from these short videos
1) Deportation of Mexican Americans during the 1930’s:

2) Forgotten Voices: The Story of the Bracero Program:

3) The Lemon Grove Incident

4) “I am Joaquin”.

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