An exploration of intelligence management opportunities for organizations in the UAE Academic Essay


My dissertation consists 7 chapters& this is chapter 4
This particular chapter is on research methodology and my professors comments on it as it is:
( The Justification for selection of the chosen approach is not really there. You need to justify the methodology from the perspective of for example (i) similar approaches have been used in previous studies in the same area (ii) that the research agenda in the area of your study stipulates that the chosen method is now a preferred method (iii) or other reasons – for example because of the type of data you are looking for.
I don’t claim to be an expert in everything – but I have not heard of descriptive academic research pattern before. What precisely is it. Is it a methodology or an approach?
It is not clear who exactly was sampled or the basis of the sampling. What decisions were made – how was information redundancy catered for.
This section while a good stab really needs enhancement. You really need to look at the research methodology text go get clarity on expectations)

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