1. Years after the publication of his Socialist novel The Jungle, Upton Sinclair ironically noted the chiefly Progressive impact of his book, stating that he “had taken aim at America’s heart and hit instead its stomach.” Compare & contrast the two, major, early-20th-century reform-minded ideologies of Progressivism and Socialism.
2. Why was Socialism considered a “radical” ideology and why didn’t it flourish in early 20th century America?
3. How has Englehardt’s concept of “victory culture” been reflected in war toys, films & TV series since WWII? (Be sure to cite specific examples from the 3 periods discussed in the book: the peak, fall and potential revival of the “victory culture” since World War II.)
4- Compare & contrast the U.S. military action in, and U.S. domestic popular support of American intervention in Vietnam (1965-73) & Iraq (2003-11).
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