American history Academic Essay

American history

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THIS IS WHAT THE PROF SAID ( am attaching a sheet with directions for the reading journal. For the first segment, please comment on the documents you think are most interesting in Chapters 16-19 of the Johnson book. You will want to relate these documents to chapters 16-19 in the Roark book. You do not need to write about every chapter–this is an opportunity to focus on a few topics that you think are especially interesting.

You can get 60 points for about four pages of good quality writing. Three and a half pages of excellent, thoughtful writing would be great…that would be much better than four pages of fluff. You can write as much as you like and you can get a few extra points if the journal is especially thoughtful and well focused ? )

Chapter 19: The City and its Workers, 1870-1900

Brooklyn Bridge
Sweatshops/Family Economy
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Knights of Labor
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Big-City Bosses/Tammany Hall
World’s Columbian Exposition
Explain: “We cannot all live in cities, yet nearly all seem determined to do so.”

Describe the patterns of global migration that contributed to the rise of the city.

Explain the difference between the “old” and “new” immigration in the 1800s?

Why did many people want to restrict immigration? Why did many people defend immigrants?

Explain how the “social geography” of cities changed in the late 1800s.

Explain how the growth of industries changed workers’ occupations in the late 1800s.

Why were so many children working in factories in the late 1800s? What does the author mean by the “family economy”?

What do you find notable about women workers in the late 1800s?

Why do you think the Knights of Labor collapsed? Why did the AFL take their place as the leading labor organization?

Describe the variety of leisure activities that became common in the late 1800s.

Explain: “Private enterprise, not planners, built the cities of the United States.”

Describe some of the major improvements made in cities. Why did some people benefit more than others?

What do you find most remarkable about America’s cities in the late 1800s? How did big cities

Is this question part of your assignment?

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